
5 Reasons "Money Doesn't Buy Happiness" is Complete Bullshit



· 5 min read
5 Reasons "Money Doesn't Buy Happiness" is Complete Bullshit

Money buys freedom from bosses

You wake up every day and go to a job, completely despising your existence. In the beginning, it was work that you thought you would enjoy doing. But that dwindles after a few months.

The truth is, that 9/10 times it's the bosses that make these jobs unbearable. They control all that you do, micromanage your decisions and only seem to notice when you mess up.

Bosses limit the meaningful work that you thought you would be doing. You lose the impact you thought you would be having. Making a difference doesn't seem that easy any more.

Yet, why do you do it? Well the simple answer is that you gotta eat. You have bills to pay. You are responsible for other humans. You have children to take care of or parents to support.

You do it for the sure paycheck that comes in every month. If you had enough money, I'm sure you wouldn't tolerate any of it.

You would find something that fulfills you. Work that you enjoy. Work that makes you feel empowered.

Money buys freedom from fear

Life is unpredictable. This means that you live in fear. Today, you may be fine, but what happens if you suffer from an accident tomorrow? What happens if you lose your job?

What happens if we go through another pandemic? What happens if your child gets diagnosed with a disease you weren't expecting?

You may argue that money would not fix any of this. But I'm sure it would help you to navigate these unpredictable events. Having a financial safety net would help you to live in less fear of these events occurring.

Money would help you to feel secure. You would know that if any of these things would take place, you would at least be financially ready to tackle them.

Money buys freedom from societal norms

So Covid happened. You witnessed a lot of things, and also learned a lot from it. Let's focus on vaccination though.

Many people were eager to get vaccinated so that life could go back to normal. But do you remember the few who weren't?

They held protests, trying to fight for their freedom to choose what goes into their body.

They gathered in the streets of Belize City because they needed to get the vaccine to go back to work. But, if they didn't work, they wouldn't have money to buy food.

See, if you needed a paycheck, you had two choices. Take the vaccine so that you could go back to work and make some money.

Or spend money for the expensive test every week, so that you could go back to work and make some money. It all went back to money.

But if you didn't need a paycheck, and worried about the vaccine and its effects, you were free to choose not to take it.

It's the same with daily life. How many people would love to get out of the 9-5? How many people would love to spend their time pursuing the things they are passionate about?

Yet, one of the biggest things that holds them back is money!

You can't quit that job. You can't be free to do that thing that you love. You can't even be free to choose what you put into your body. Because you need the money.

Money buys freedom from stress in life and relationships

Many relationships fail because of money. People don't know how to manage money. They lie about money. They experience stress being responsible for someone else. They can't fulfill the financial responsibility that comes with the relationship.

It takes a toll on a person. It takes a toll on the relationship. It takes a toll on the children who witness this.

Although money won't make a relationship perfect, it will help to get rid of a lot of the disagreements.

Think back to the fights you saw your parents have. Weren't a lot of them about money?

Money buys freedom to pursue a fulfilling life

Think about life, if you never had to worry about money again, what would you do with your time? Travel the world? Start a non-profit to help others in a cause that you are passionate about?

Move to another country? Learn a new language? Try to make a career out of your passion?

See, the idea that money doesn't buy happiness is complete bullshit.

Money buys freedom. Only until you have this freedom, can you go after the things that will make your life fulfilling.

The challenge

Take some time to test your view about money. Try to understand if you are one of the people, convinced that money doesn't buy happiness. And if you are, start working on changing it. Remember that your mindset is a big determiner of how far you will go.

The point of this post is not to tell you that money is the only thing that makes you happy. Instead, it's to help you change that mindset society has brainwashed you with.

Disclaimer: Not Financial Advice
None of the content brought to you on the Giggedbz Hook Mi Up Blog page is intended to be financial advice. We provide content for educational and entertainment purposes only. You should consult a financial professional for advice.

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