
The No Bullshit Truth About How We Spend Our Time



· 5 min read
How we spend time

Sometimes we rush through life, getting from one place to another. We are constantly pursuing one goal after another. It’s rare when we take time to reflect. It's rare when we are truly present. This stops us from acknowledging the little things that make us happy.

This truth caught me off guard this week as I came across a thread while browsing twitter.

So, I had to share what I found with you. These are based on a scientific study, done by The American Time Use and  Our World In Data. However, it was the thread from Sahil Bloom that put it all into perspective.

Sahil took all the data from this study, and combined them into graphs. These reveal six eye opening truths about the life that we live.

1. Family Time is Limited- Cherish it

Most of us, myself included, sometimes take our families for granted. Putting our goals, partners and other ambitions ahead of it. It’s not until we lose one of our loved ones that we are hit with the harsh truth about it.

This graph shows that after the age of 20, most of our family time starts to dwindle. We spend less and less time with our family. This means that if family is important to you, you should try to make the most of it.  Be present and cherish the moments you have with your family. Disconnect from all the technology the next time you are around them. It may be one of few encounters left.

2. Friend Time Diminishes - Value quality over quantity

After the age of 18, the time we spend with friends starts to decrease. Our circles get smaller and smaller. It’s thus the reason why it’s important to choose the people who remain in them wisely. Surround yourself with people who don’t drain you. Surround yourself with people who challenge you and push you to be better. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh.

Because as the friendships are reduced in quantity, they should increase in quality.

3. Time spent with Your Partner is significant- Choose Wisely

In your journey for love, keep this in mind. After the age of 20, we spend a significant amount of time with our partners. Choose wisely. Find someone who you can enjoy being crazy with, but can also sit in silence with. Find someone who makes you appreciate the small things in life. At the end of the day, these are the things that will bring you the most joy. So slow down and take the choice as seriously as it is.

4. Time with your Children is Important- Prioritize it

One of the most challenging things in life is to balance having children and the pursuit of career goals. This chart shows you that after the age of 30, the time you spend with your children starts decreasing. Meaning, that you should make sure that when you spend time with them, you are present.

Try to be there for the important moments and the small things. The years of them being small and cute, are going to go by so fast. Don’t forget to enjoy them, and value the small details.

5. Coworker Time Increases- Choose your work carefully

Between the ages of 20-60, you spend a significant portion of your life at work. You should be careful when selecting your workplace and environment. The people you work with will be of significant influence and value to your life. Keep this in mind as you choose.

This is 40 years, interacting with the people you work with. This is most of your adult years, surrounded by these people about 8 hours per day.

Click here to read our post about finding meaningful and balanced work.

6. Alone Time is Priority

This data shows that for most of us, the time that we spend alone will continue to increase through our lives. The thing is, many of us, don’t know how to sit and be alone. We don’t know how to enjoy our own company.

Every time we are alone, we find ourselves browsing smartphones looking for entertainment. We look for these things to fill that silence. But imagine how amazing it would be if we just found peace with being alone.

Imagine the beauty of learning to enjoy this time we have to ourselves.  We should use our alone time to know ourselves, love ourselves, and learn to enjoy our own company.

The Challenge

Having these 6 truths at hand, and knowing that most of our lives will be this way, here is your challenge. Sit down this week, and try to find the one truth that speaks to you the most. Then try to live everyday knowing you are choosing to make the most of the time.

And share this with someone who you think would enjoy these truths about how we spend our time.

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